The basis of this project is the idea of ​​art as a 'time capsule' which may be mined later on for information about this time and place in history. I enjoy seeing how specialists can tell whether a painting is a forgery by looking at small details such as the pigments and nails used. It's even possible to scan and see different layers of old paintings to reveal more about the process used by the artist. The artistic process I use is intuitive, and based on building up layers of paint, collage, pen etc over time to build an interesting patina that speaks of the history hidden beneath the layers. This is a very appropriate process for the project, where the ephemera of time and place such as newspapers, leaflets, and tram ticket stubs are built into the layers of each piece. I want the materials used as much as possible to spring from Amsterdam and the present day, so I have collected material with that in mind. I chose to challenge myself with a limited colour palette for this particular project; the red, white and black of the Amsterdam flag.




'Traces' series (2020)